Fiscal policy is central to the interests of young people – be it climate protection, good education or digitization. We empower young people to discuss financial policy issues and support them forming a strong public voice. At the same time, we are involved in the discourse and developments of fiscal policy ourselves and we stengthen young people's interests.
Activating communities:
the 2024 Youth Dialogue on Financial Policy
About 200 young people participated in the Financial Youth Dialogue on 23 March 2024 in Berlin. Among the participants were numerous youth representatives from civil society organizations, grassroots and political movements, including Juso national chairman Philipp Türmer. They voiced their demands in times of overlapping emergencies to leading economists and politicians.
The event took place under the slogan “Financing the future, defending democracy!”. The participants discussed the interconnection between the current rise in anti-democratic narratives and right-wing parties and the financial policy of recent years. What are the economic and social consequences of austerity? What we can do about it and which financial policy changes are needed now? Among the speakers were high-level experts like Ricarda Lang (Greens), Christoph Meyer (Liberals), Kevin Kühnert (SPD), Yasmin Fahimi (DGB) and Adam Tooze.
It was sponsored by the Berlin State Agency for Civic Education (Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Berlin) and took place in cooperation with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (party-affiliated foundation of the Social Democratic Party).

Providing expertise on fiscal policy:
Parliamentary Hearings, Speeches and Education
FiscalFuture is frequently invited to contribute to parliamentary hearings at both the federal and state levels. Additionally, we engage in technical exchanges and panel discussions, deliver speeches, and conduct workshops for other youth organizations. Through these efforts, we aim to connect with a diverse range of relevant audiences and advocate for fiscal policies that are better suited for current as well as future challenges.

Shaping and Shifting the discourse:
Intergenerational Justice in Fiscal Policy
Together with the German Federal Youth Council, DGB Youth, Fridays for Future, Green Youth & Jusos, we stress: our generation does not need budget cuts, but massive investment to cover investment needs and realize the urgently needed transformation! Together, we represent six million members. As youth associations, we disagree that the planned cuts in the federal budget 2025 are in the interests of young people. Instead, we call on the federal government to suspend the debt brake and abolish it in the long term! The open letter made it into various German mainstream media and got a lot of attention in the context of the budget debates in the German government :
Spiegel - Lage am Morgen: https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/news-wahl-in-grossbritannien-haushaltsstreit-ausschuss-zum-akw-aus-a-dc527b3c-2887-4025-a033-99db8edb1af5
Zeit Online: https://www.zeit.de/politik/deutschland/2024-07/haushalt-2025-christian-lindner-neuverschuldung
Tagesschau: https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/innenpolitik/jugendverbaende-geld-100.html

Addressing the public:
budget cuts endanger our future
Conducting a really in front of the Chancellor's Office and the German Parliament we expressed the youth's protest against the planned budget cuts. Images and videos of the intervention, showing activists masked as Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD), Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck (Greens) and Finance Minister Christian Lindner (Liberals) swinging hammers representing budget cuts made it into German mainstream media (RTL, ntv, Bild, taz).