Fiscal policy is central to the interests of young people – be it climate protection, good education or digitization. We empower young people to discuss financial policy issues and support them forming a strong public voice.
Activating communities:
the 2022 Youth Dialogue on Financial Policy
More than 150 young people participated in the Financial Youth Dialogue on 24 September 2022 in Berlin. Among the participants were numerous youth representatives from civil society alliances, grassroots and political movements. They voiced their demands in times of climate crisis and inflation to leading economists and politicians.
The participants discussed public investments for climate protection and social relief measures against inflation with Kevin Kühnert (Secretary General of SPD), Prof. Dr. Dr. Isabella Weber, Dr. Wolf Reuter (Chief Economist of the German Federal Ministry of Finance), Prof. Dr. Achim Truger (Member of the German Council of Economic Advisors) and senior media representatives.
Addressing the public:
budget cuts endanger our future
Conducting a really in front of the Chancellor's Office and the German Parliament we expressed the youth's protest against the planned budget cuts. Images and videos of the intervention, showing activists masked as Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD), Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck (Greens) and Finance Minister Christian Lindner (Liberals) swinging hammers representing budget cuts made it into German mainstream media (RTL, ntv, Bild, taz).
Enabling synergies:
open letter criticizes planned budget cuts
Initiating an open letter to the German government opposing the planned budget cuts we brought together the power of many. Ten youth organisations signed the letter, representing more than a million young people. Among others, one of the leading German newspaper SPIEGEL published articles about the open letter.